You have a Consultation for Therapy in Modesto CA, Now What? 

You have scheduled your consultation for Therapy in Modesto CA. First of all congratulations on scheduling your consultation. It might have taken a lot of hyping yourself up to schedule the consultation and face some fears. You might have experienced a roller coaster of emotions from nervousness to excitement. What is important is you are a step closer to receiving the help you have been waiting to receive.

Cactus in a pit, with yellow flowers, on top of books. Laura Garcia LMFT, Therapy in Modesto CA 95350

What is a consultation with a Therapist in Modesto CA?

What is a consultation? Generally, it is 10 to 15 minutes to chat with your potential therapist in Modesto CA. During this time, you have the opportunity to share what prompted you to seek therapy. This is also a good time to ask the therapist questions that you may have about the process. Furthermore, this is an opportunity to check in and see if working together would be a good fit.

Want some support learn more about what questions to ask a therapist.

How to prepare for your consultation with a Therapist in Modesto CA?

You may be wondering now what? Let’s dive into what actionable steps may be helpful between now and your consultation. Find out more on opening a private practice  Counseling in Modesto CA and becoming a therapist in Modesto CA.

Step 1) First take a deep breath, in through the nose and out through your mouth. Try a deep inhale through the nose and letting out a sigh (ahhhh). You have taken an important step. 

Step 2) Perhaps you need some clarity on your reason for seeking Therapy in Modesto CA. The following exercise will help you gain some or more clarity on your why. Set aside 15 to 20 minutes and explore the following questions. During this time you must be present in your mind, body, and environment. You might explore this while taking a walk or journaling (e.g., written or video).

Wood table and chair with mug on top of table, Laura Garcia LMFT, Therapy in Modesto CA, 95350

Begin to explore your reason or reasons for therapy by asking yourself:

-Why therapy now?

-What do I hope to get out of therapy?

-Is there a change I desire in my life?

-Is there something I wish to understand further?

-What is the potential impact on my life if this change occurred?


If you gain some clarity at the end of the exercise, that would be wonderful. If you feel uncertain, jot down how your body and mind respond. Did your body tense up? Did any negative self-talk arise? All experiences are good data.

Step 3) You may also find it helpful to take some time and read the FAQ page. This page answers commonly asked questions regarding your Therapist in Modesto CA and the process of Therapy in Modesto CA (e.g. therapy process, fees, scheduling).

Step 4) Let’s ground being back into the present moment. Take some deep breaths; try something different if that isn’t helpful or soothing. Ideas might be dancing, blowing some bubbles, shaking, or letting out a sigh. Remind yourself that you have started the process of creating space to gain awareness and insight into and about your feelings and thoughts and their impact. Feeling and dealing are important in the process of healing. Take time to celebrate you have accomplished one more step in your process.

Step 5) If you can, create some time to rest. Why? You have just asked a lot of your body, mind, and being to explore and be present with what you hold. You get to define what rest involves for you. The rest can look different for each person. You may engage in body movement, watch a show, paint, dance, read, spend time alone or with others, and much more.

Now that you have some tips and guidance on how to prepare for the consultation for Therapy in Modesto CA, let’s talk about what may be helpful for the actual consultation.


Tips for a Consultation for Therapy in Modesto CA.

These are some practical tips on how to get the most out of your consultation. If you need to reschedule or change your mind (because it happens), inform the therapist. The link to cancel is included in the email you received with your confirmation, and you can make changes 48 hours prior to your appointment time.

  • Take some deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. 

  • Take some moments before your consultation and settle into your body. You might settle into your body by utilizing your available senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch to describe your environment.

  • You may also find it helpful to have an item in your hands to fidget with during the consultation (e.g., pen, paper clip, paper so you can scribble on).

  • Be in a space that is private and allows you to speak freely. 

  • Have a notebook and pen to jot down important information. You can also take notes on your mobile phone.

  • Remember you are the expert in your life. Your therapist is there to provide support and guidance along the way.

  • If possible take some time (5 to 10 minutes) after your consultation and reflect on your experience.

After your consultation celebrate. You showed up!

Desk with small lamp, cactus plant, and MacBook, Laura Garcia LMFT, Therapy in Modesto CA 95350

If you haven’t scheduled your Consultation for Therapy in Modesto?

Schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with your therapist in Modesto. Let’s talk about how I may be of help in navigating anxiety, grief, couples therapy. If you want some quick tips on supporting your mental health now read this blog.

Learn more about Therapy in Modesto by reading these FAQs and about your Therapist in Modesto CA. Read more about my approaches to provide support as Anxiety Therapist in Modesto, Grief Counseling in Modesto , Marriage Counseling, or Couples Counseling in Modesto. Commonly asked questions about the process and what it is like to work with a Therapist in Modesto have been answered. Searching for a Spanish-speaking therapist in Modesto? Learn more about Laura Garcia LMFT, your Spanish-speaking Modesto Therapist

Laura Garcia LMFT, Therapy in Modesto CA 95350

About the Author

Laura Garcia is a licensed marriage and family therapist providing in-person therapy in Modesto, CA, and online Therapy throughout California for adults. She provides services in English and Spanish. Laura focuses on providing care and support for Anxiety therapy, Grief Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Couples Counseling. Her practice is founded on creating a safe space with compassion, support, and accountability. A space that empowers you on your journey of self-exploration, insight, awareness, understanding, and healing. Understanding who you are as a human being and growing personally is a lifelong journey with different chapters. If you’d like support, schedule your consultation today.


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